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How to Embed Clips into Schoology

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Here’s how to embed a ClassHook clip into your Schoology assignments and discussions.

Video Tutorial

Step 1:  Click the share button on your ClassHook clip.

Step 2: Copy the embed code.

Make sure you copy the embed code since embedding using links are not supported on Schoology yet.

Step 3: Navigate to Schoology and create an assignment.  

  1. Next, click on the insert button.
  2. On the dropdown menu click on Image/Media.

Step 4: Insert your embed code.

  1. Click on the “From the Web” tab.
  2. For Type: Make sure to click on “Media”.
  3. Paste the embed code from ClassHook into the space provided. (Make sure you are not inserting a link)

Step 5: Insert Media

After pasting your embed code, click on Insert media.

Step 6: Post your Assignment with the embedded clip. 

Click on “Create” at the bottom.

Step 7: Click on your new assignment.

Step 8: Your ClassHook clip is now embedded in Schoology.

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