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Age Range Squares Explained

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Classhook uses a letter system for rating the content level of the material. These letters represent the general grade level that the content of each clip is best suited for. For example, a clip for Kindergarten learning level would be rated with a K, or a clip for college learning level would be rated with a C.

The full list of the levels and its corresponding symbols are shown below:

K = Kindergarten
E = Elementary (roughly grades 1 – 5)
MS = Middle School (roughly grades 6 – 8)
HS = High School (grades 9 – 12)
C = College (higher educator + adult learning)

These letters are shown below every entry. Below is an example:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2021-02-19-at-9.21.06-AM.png

For this clip, the E, MS and HS squares show that this clip is appropriate for Elementary, Middle, and High School Levels.

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